Thursday, June 7, 2012

Grant Awards for 2012 Total $55,000

*Grant awards for 2012 total $55,000.   

Grants awarded to:
CARE Center Family Violence Program of Cumberland County Dept. of Social Services$15,000 to support the Special Victims Fund by providing funds for rental deposits to victims of domestic violence and their children.
Cumberland County Coordinating Council on Older Adults$15,000 to assist with their Meals on Wheels program for the 87 women on their waiting list.

Cumberland Interfaith Hospitality Network $15,000 to help fund a 90-day utility subsidy fund for families moving from emergency family housing at local churches into housing at Ashton Woods.

Hungry Angelz$10,000 to assist with their Backpack Buddies program, which provides food to 815 economically challenged children in our Cumberland County public schools.

*Our cumulative grant awards total $180,340!

*Total members – 133
            Welcome to our newest member Tracey Sherpinskas

*2012-2013 Slate of Officers:
            Co-Chairs:                  Patty Collie and Jean Harrison
            Vice Co-Chairs:          Amy Perko and Muriel Roux
            Secretary:                   Lisa Lofthouse
            Asst. Secretary:          Open position
            Treasurer:                  Linda Goff
            Asst. Treasurer:         Lynn Deveaux

*For questions or further information, contact Susan Barnes, Giving Circle Coordinator, at 910-483-4449 or

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