Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Fence is Up!

In 2011 the Giving Circle granted Cumberland Interfaith Hospitality Network $15,000 to help build a security fence around their transitional housing area at Ashton Woods.  It took awhile to secure matching funds and the best fence company for the job but they did it. By the end of this month the fence will be complete and residents will feel more secure in their homes because of the generosity of our members in supporting this grant.  Here are some pics of the fence taken just last week. It is sturdy, strong and rather stately too!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Patty Collie, Jean Harrison and Lucy Jones, our leadership team, outline the needs of women and children in Cumberland County in todays op/ed piece in the Observer. Read, learn and smile because you as a member of the giving circle are having a positive impact on these startling statistics about homeless women and children in our area. Click below to read the article on-line.
The facts as presents by our leadership team.

Friday, November 16, 2012

A great time was had by all AND we added several new members to our growing circle of giving! If you missed it here are some pictures which can hardly express the glowing camaraderie of women on a mission to change Cumberland County.
Mark your calendars for our next big member recruitment event:
Sunday December 16, Holiday Progressive Party, stay tuned for details coming to an in-box near you!

Editorial: The Cold - Homeless need more than city's charities can provide

You could call it an "Ouch!" moment - and credit it to Sue Byrd, director of Operation Inasmuch in Fayetteville: "Every year, we know the cold is coming, and every year, we seem to still be talking when it arrives."
That's the nature of working with the homeless - for those who are serious about working with the homeless. There's never enough of anything.
Most of those involved in the effort to reduce homelessness, or the effort merely to keep the homeless alive through the winter, know the score. But what do the rest of us know? Who are the homeless? Where are they? How many? Why do their numbers routinely exceed the capacity of shelter set aside for them? And why do their numbers increase despite the work of Byrd's organization and the Salvation Army?
This year the two are innovating. On nights when the temperature nears freezing, white flags will be posted outside the Salvation Army homeless shelter on Alexander Street, the Salvation Army Corps Community Center gym on South Russell and at Operation Inasmuch on Hillsboro. On the worst nights, a few hundred homeless, many of them mothers with children, will escape the cold from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m.
A thousand others will not. And that's just one of the things the public needs to understand if it wants to come to grips with this problem.
Here's another. Most people have a general understanding of hypothermia. It's a dangerous lowering of the core body temperature. But the air temperature doesn't have to reach 32 to induce it. With enough moisture and a strong wind, 40 can be low enough. Furthermore, hypothermia can't tell time. It doesn't know day from night, 6:01 a.m. from midnight.
Most distressing is the steady rise in the number of homeless, including roughly 750 schoolchildren.
This is not merely something that should leave us unsatisfied; it's something we should be unable to tolerate. But passing proclamations won't fix it. Neither will reciting mantras, like "Some of them like it out there."
What's needed to reverse the trend - this is what we want, agreed? - is exactly what the Women's Giving Circle has proposed: coordination to ensure assistance where and when it's needed, and transitional housing that provides not only shelter, but direction for those who want a better home than the street.
There's no way around it. That translates to public investment. The response to that need will speak more loudly about our commitment than all of our words.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

2012 Community Scorecard

Did you miss the community breakfast and are curious about our annual scorecard? The marketing committee worked long and hard in researching the needs of Cumberland County so that we can make informed decisions as to where to best impact change. Numbers tell it all and numbers do not lie, so if you get a moment, please read the scorecard and see exactly this years statistics on the status of women and children in Cumberland County.
Want to help promote the Giving Circle? Download the brochure, print it out, carry it around and hand it to any and all who may be interested. Spread the word; increasing the size of the circle broadens our impact!
Giving Circle Brochure

Monday, October 29, 2012

Editorial: Losing - War on homelessness needs new troops and strategy
Six years ago, a coalition of city, county and nonprofit officials came together and declared war on homelessness. We will, they declared, eradicate the problem in 10 years.

With just four years to go, it's reasonable to conclude the effort will fail.
We have made little progress in finding ways to put people in good housing. In truth, we are going backward. The ranks of homeless are growing.

It was discouraging to see the numbers posted last week, as the Women's Giving Circle delivered its annual report on key indicators about the health and welfare of women and children in Fayetteville and Cumberland County. The young and fast-growing charitable nonprofit decided several years ago to monitor those trends, and especially to research the causes and cures for homelessness.

This year's one-day, "point in time" countywide homeless head count found that the number of sheltered or unsheltered homeless in this county had increased by 545 people over last year, rising to 1,606 from last year's 1,061. The number of homeless women rose from 190 last year to 396 this year - it more than doubled. And the number of homeless children and unaccompanied youth grew from 379 last year to 514 this year.
In a different count, the Cumberland County schools found even more homeless children - 748 of them in the school system.

For perspective's sake, consider these comparisons:
Fayetteville and Cumberland County have 1,606 homeless.
Winston-Salem and Forsyth County, with about the same population as Fayetteville and Cumberland, have 556 homeless - about a third as many.

Raleigh and Wake County, with three times our population, have 1,132 homeless - 474 fewer than we have.
Something is terribly wrong with that picture.

And it appears the biggest piece of the gone-wrong scenario is the same problem that has plagued our anti-homelessness army all along. It's an uncoordinated effort that is desperately short of the most fundamental building block that the homeless need - transitional housing and the assistance to help the homeless find a place in productive society.

We also know that we will never end homelessness altogether. Drug and alcohol abuse and mental illness are responsible for some of it, just as they are a key reason for our overflowing jail.
But we also know that most of those women - and all of the children - are not on the streets by choice. They want, need and deserve better.

A spinoff of the Giving Circle - Connections of Cumberland County - was formed to provide the missing coordination between agencies, and to create more emergency shelter space and transitional housing. We hope the new group succeeds where others have, so far, failed. We may never end homelessness here, or anywhere else, but we've got to do a better job for those who don't want to be homeless, especially our children.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fayetteville Observer Article about WGC Scorecard Event

Women's Giving Circle: Tough early years inspire Fayetteville State Chancellor James Anderson to give back
Story Photo

By Catherine Pritchard
People at a meeting at Highland Country Club on Tuesday morning dabbed their eyes as Fayetteville State University Chancellor James A. Anderson told them of his brutal childhood in a poor, crime-ridden section of Washington, D.C., and how nuns, prostitutes and a gang leader there helped him on the path to a better life.
Without their efforts, Anderson told the Women's Giving Circle of Cumberland County, he likely would be in jail today, or dead.

Because of them, he said, he seeks to help young people in need when he can.

Anderson urged his listeners to do the same.

"Any, any small difference that you can make in someone's life, especially young people who are homeless, parentless, ... please do so," Anderson said. "We have to be the ones who step up and make a difference. We're bound to do that. If we're Christian, if we're just decent people, we cannot abandon those who are less fortunate."
Anderson spoke at the charitable group's presentation of its annual "scorecard" of statistics showing how women in the county and in the state are faring in homelessness, food insecurity, health care, economic status and education.

The Women's Giving Circle seeks to raise money and awareness to create "substantial, positive change" for women and children in the county. Since its founding in 2008, the group has given more than $180,000 in grants to programs helping women and children.

Tuesday's scorecard showed that in most areas, Cumberland County women and children are worse off than women in the state as a whole, and minority women and children in the county are generally worse off than white women and children in the county.

The local numbers had worsened over time in some categories but had improved in others. Even so, they often remained too high, the group said. The number of homeless women and children in the county has grown from 256 women and 399 children identified in a count in 2009 to 396 women and 454 children this year, the group said.
And too many of those homeless women and children - nearly 55 percent - live in places not meant for human habitation - cars, parks, abandoned buildings and the like, the group said.

The health news was mixed. The rate of some health problems had improved for at least some groups of women and children in the county. The rate of cardiovascular problems was down for white women but up for minority women.

The rate of diabetes among white women in the county was down. But that rate was unchanged for minority women - and, at 53.2 percent, it was much higher than the rate of diabetes among minority women statewide and among white women, both in the county and statewide.

Breast cancer was down among both white and minority women in the county, but the rate of all cancers remained level for white women and was up for minority women.

The number of pregnancies for girls ages 15 to 19 was down, from 892 in 2008 to 768 in 2010, but remained level at 15 for girls ages 10 to 14.

Infant death rates for both groups improved, but both groups saw higher percentages of low-birth-weight babies.
Childhood experience
Anderson understands the difficulties faced by poor children in uncertain circumstances. For about the first six years of his life, he said, he was raised by the elevator operator at the hospital where he was born. Though he didn't know it until years later, he said, his birth mother had apparently given him up at the hospital, and the hospital had apparently simply given him to the older woman who operated its elevator.

That's just how it was in 1949, he said.

When the woman died, Anderson - then called Ramon Dawson - remained in the apartment with the girl he considered his sister, who was about a year older. And there they lived for about six more years, he said, with adults occasionally dropping in to help them but none living there permanently.

Much of his waking time was spent prowling the streets. He said he stole things so he and his sister could eat, and he ran with a gang for protection and companionship. Because he was smart and good-looking, he said, the gang groomed him to be a pimp rather than a drug dealer. As early as 8 and 9 years old, he would approach men in cars and try to negotiate deals with them for the neighborhood prostitutes.

School hours were spent with a different sort of women - the nuns who taught at his Catholic elementary school.
He said both the prostitutes and the nuns took an interest in him - and worked together to help him. He said he remembers the nuns once gave the prostitutes some money to buy him an Easter outfit. They all sat together to see him model it. Another time, he said, a nun told one of the prostitutes he had not done his math homework.
At 2:30 in the morning, when Anderson wanted to be approaching the prostitute's potential customers, he said she instead marched him to a table that had been set up under a streetlight and told him to do the homework. So he did.
Anderson was a good student with a quick mind. As a result, the nuns and the prostitutes "decided I was going to become something," Anderson said.

So they did what they could. When he was caught stealing once, he said, a nun chided him, saying, "Don't you know you're the one?" "The one what?" he replied. "You're the one that's going to get out," she told him.

Later, he said, a nun approached a fearsome gang leader to ask that the gang stop him from doing illegal activities.

According to Anderson, she told the gang leader, "He's the only one who makes straight A's."
The gang leader complied.
A new home
When Anderson was 12, he said, a woman came to the apartment where he lived with his sister, Peggy. She said she was taking him for a ride. He remembers looking over his shoulder at Peggy and telling her he loved her and would see her later.

He never saw her again. The woman took him to a home in another part of Washington and left him with the couple who would raise him. He was told that Peggy was taken by another family.

Anderson went on to graduate from Villanova University and to earn a doctoral degree from Cornell University. He became a psychology professor and, about 20 years ago, moved into university administration. He became Fayetteville State's chancellor in 2008.

As an adult, he said, he has tried to help people whenever he could. He said he personally pays the tuition of several needy students at FSU and provides financial aid to a family from his old neighborhood in Washington.

He said he still wakes from nightmares about his farewell to Peggy and once hired a private investigator to try to find her.

In 1995, he found his own birth name - James Allen Atkinson - on a document among his adoptive parents' papers.
His birth records were sealed and he still has no idea of the name of his birth mother or father.

About 20 years ago, he said, he went back to the rough neighborhood of his earliest years and found a prostitute whom he had known. When he told her who he was, he said, she looked at him and stroked his face and said, "Are you taking care of somebody the way we did you?"

His answer, then and now: He's doing all he can.

Staff writer Catherine Pritchard can be reached at or 486-3517.
Community Scorecard Breakfast was a powerful demonstration of how we can impact positive change in Cumberland County. Chancellor Anderson of Fayetteville State University shared his life story and brought everyone to tears with the realization that simple acts of giving, caring and reaching out can change the path of a young person's life.
The scorecard on the status of women and children in Cumberland County showed improvements in some areas but a shocking trend of homelessness increasing for women and children. A lively give and take discussion followed and we can all say, with a great degree of certainty, that a shift of awareness will arise from this meeting and we will all be the change we want to see in our community!

The Giving Circle makes front page news!!! Read on.... and learn how one man's life was changed by women who cared.

Tough Early Years Inspire Chancellor of Fayetteville State to Give Back

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Their smiles say it all.  Alfreida Council and Barbara Williams, safe and secure in their Frink St. home thanks in part to the Women's Giving Circle of Cumberland County. Alfreida and Barbara are part of a growing population of women who become homeless due to economic stress. But through their determination and personal responsibility they qualified to move into this beautiful transitional home provided by your contribution to WGCCC and Operation Inasmuch.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Save the Date

NEWS! . . . from
Women’s Giving Circle of Cumberland County
September 2012

*Save the date:  Our next general meeting is Tuesday, Oct. 23rd at Highland Country Club.  This breakfast meeting will be a presentation to the community of our Scorecard. 
7:45am – 8:15am Register and Breakfast Buffet /  8:15am- 9:15am WGCCC Scorecard Program
More information will follow.

*The WGCCC’s newest scorecard will be presented at our October 23 general meeting.  Highlight points and a general summary are being added to this research on community topics, which include homelessness, food insecurity, health care and education attainment for women and children. 

*The 2013 grant focus ballot will be emailed to members soon.

*The Education and Events Committee is considering lots of fun, hands-on meetings this year.  Our administrative business will be conducted via email/mail.    

*Facebook users:  when you receive a post from our Women’s Giving Circle, please click share, then write a quick comment such as “this is such a worthwhile organization. “  This post will then be forwarded, shared on your friends’ pages, and  reach more people.  Thanks!

*The deadline for dues is October 31.  Our annual dues are $550 ($400 for grants, $100 for endowment, and  $50 for administration).  Susan Barnes recently mailed statements to those members with a balance due. 

*For further information or questions, contact Susan Barnes, Giving Circle Coordinator, at 910-483-4449 or

NEWS! is developed by WGCCC Marketing Committee

Thursday, July 26, 2012

NEWS! July 2012

Officers and Committee Chairs for this year:

Co-Chairs:                        Patty Collie & Jean Harrison

Vice Co-Chairs:               Amy Perko & Muriel Roux

Secretary:                         Lisa Lofthouse

Asst. Secretary:              Open position

Treasurer:                        Linda Goff

Asst. Treasurer:              Lynn Deveaux

Grants Chair:                   Joelle Hutaff

Marketing Chair:            Lucy Jones

Events and Education:  Linda Healy & Martha Lerario

Membership:                   Denise Lynch

Development:                 Margaret Dickson & Tammy Laurence

*If you have any suggestions for this year, please contact Patty or Jean:


*A social media workshop for the WGCCC is being planned for September.  It promises to be a fun way to either increase your skills or learn about Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.

*Our first membership meeting for the year will be in October.

*Here is an excerpt from a thank you note from a recent grantee:   On behalf of the CARE Center, I would like to express my deepest appreciation for your grant in the amount of $15,000.  This grant will make it possible for us to assist domestic violence victims, who are homeless, with rental deposits.  Due to the generosity of your organization, we will be able to provide these services to many more victims in our community.” 

*For further information or questions, contact Susan Barnes, Giving Circle Coordinator, at 910-483-4449 or

NEWS! is developed by WGCCC Marketing Committee

Monday, July 9, 2012

Once again another banner year for the Women's Giving Circle! Stay tuned and watch our money work to help women and children in Cumberland County live healthier, happier lives.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Grant Awards for 2012 Total $55,000

*Grant awards for 2012 total $55,000.   

Grants awarded to:
CARE Center Family Violence Program of Cumberland County Dept. of Social Services$15,000 to support the Special Victims Fund by providing funds for rental deposits to victims of domestic violence and their children.
Cumberland County Coordinating Council on Older Adults$15,000 to assist with their Meals on Wheels program for the 87 women on their waiting list.

Cumberland Interfaith Hospitality Network $15,000 to help fund a 90-day utility subsidy fund for families moving from emergency family housing at local churches into housing at Ashton Woods.

Hungry Angelz$10,000 to assist with their Backpack Buddies program, which provides food to 815 economically challenged children in our Cumberland County public schools.

*Our cumulative grant awards total $180,340!

*Total members – 133
            Welcome to our newest member Tracey Sherpinskas

*2012-2013 Slate of Officers:
            Co-Chairs:                  Patty Collie and Jean Harrison
            Vice Co-Chairs:          Amy Perko and Muriel Roux
            Secretary:                   Lisa Lofthouse
            Asst. Secretary:          Open position
            Treasurer:                  Linda Goff
            Asst. Treasurer:         Lynn Deveaux

*For questions or further information, contact Susan Barnes, Giving Circle Coordinator, at 910-483-4449 or

NEWS! developed by WGCCC Marketing Committee