Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ahhh the Holiday Progressive Party. A rainy night but it was warm and cozy inside! Mark your calendars because next year will be even bigger and better!

Ta Da!!! Here they are...... your 2012-2013 Leadership Team. For once, they stopped working long enough for a quick photo op. Then it was back to work making the Women's Giving Circle of Cumberland County one of the best!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

January Member Event

Don't miss it! Mini Yoga Retreat, Sunday January 13th from 1:30-3:30 at the Azales Center on Purdue Dr. Lisa Lofthouse will lead an introduction to yoga. Learn to relax, release tension, find untapped sources of energy and also have a great time with fellow members and their guests. So grab a friend and a yoga mat and we will see you on Sunday!