Thursday, July 26, 2012

NEWS! July 2012

Officers and Committee Chairs for this year:

Co-Chairs:                        Patty Collie & Jean Harrison

Vice Co-Chairs:               Amy Perko & Muriel Roux

Secretary:                         Lisa Lofthouse

Asst. Secretary:              Open position

Treasurer:                        Linda Goff

Asst. Treasurer:              Lynn Deveaux

Grants Chair:                   Joelle Hutaff

Marketing Chair:            Lucy Jones

Events and Education:  Linda Healy & Martha Lerario

Membership:                   Denise Lynch

Development:                 Margaret Dickson & Tammy Laurence

*If you have any suggestions for this year, please contact Patty or Jean:


*A social media workshop for the WGCCC is being planned for September.  It promises to be a fun way to either increase your skills or learn about Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.

*Our first membership meeting for the year will be in October.

*Here is an excerpt from a thank you note from a recent grantee:   On behalf of the CARE Center, I would like to express my deepest appreciation for your grant in the amount of $15,000.  This grant will make it possible for us to assist domestic violence victims, who are homeless, with rental deposits.  Due to the generosity of your organization, we will be able to provide these services to many more victims in our community.” 

*For further information or questions, contact Susan Barnes, Giving Circle Coordinator, at 910-483-4449 or

NEWS! is developed by WGCCC Marketing Committee

Monday, July 9, 2012

Once again another banner year for the Women's Giving Circle! Stay tuned and watch our money work to help women and children in Cumberland County live healthier, happier lives.